Nonprofits are Significant Contributors to the Economy
On average, 5.1-5.6% of US GDP comes from nonprofits.
While few of us take the social or environmental impact of #nonprofits for granted, we tend to overlook how important they are for our economy. Did you know that through fundraising, grants, earned income and other activities, nonprofits boast revenue that rivals major for-profit US sectors? In fact, the revenue of the nonprofit sector in 2022 was $1.4 trillion,(1) equivalent to 5.6% of US GDP.(2)
Why does this matter? Like for-profit entities, nonprofits use their revenue to provide services. But how do nonprofits operate when grants and accounts receivables are delayed? How do they grow when demand spikes? Faced with a similar situation, a for-profit entity in another US sector might turn to the capital markets for loan, bond, or equity financing. Nonprofits, on the other hand, lack this access. One reason? We underestimate how robust and strong the nonprofit sector truly is.
LENDonate is the first lending marketplace dedicated to providing nonprofits with access to reasonably priced loans, so they can continue to do what they do best: create change. Discover how your investments can help amplify the direct impact that nonprofits make in our communities.