The blog

Looking To Secure Nonprofit Financing?

For any business, securing financing can be a challenge, but for nonprofit organizations it can be especially grueling. Whether you are an established mission-driven organization or are relatively new and have a burgeoning idea to help strengthen your local community, lenders who do not specialize i... Read full article...
secure Nonprofit Financing

Funding for Nonprofits in a Pandemic

In the last year, the world has seen a seismic shift in nearly every aspect of life, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. For those involved in the operation of nonprofit organizations carrying out important social and environmental work, sourcing much needed funding is a growing concern. As troubl... Read full article...
Blog 7 pandemic funding

3 Assessments When Considering Providing Collateral for a Nonprofit Loan

“No! Don’t do it!” is the most common response to the question “should I guarantee someone else’s loan?” The nonprofit that you support needs a loan to support their activities, whether it is to grow, bridge to an asset purchase, or invest in a program that will benefit the work that they do. Unf... Read full article...