Parents & Addicts in Need (P.A.I.N.) is a nonprofit organization in Fresno, California that specializes in rehabilitation services and provides support for the substance user and their family. Our unique program focuses on family support services. Through our many resources, we help the drug or alcohol user and their family get the proper and personalized help to begin the rehabilitation process and effectively navigate the road to sobriety.
Fentanyl is an opioid that is bringing tragedy to many areas of California. Fentanyl is a drug so powerful that a quantity small enough to fit under a fingernail can kill you. Narcan is the opioid reversal agent that our first responders use when they are assisting someone who has overdosed. We have been granted by the State of California, the ability to train people on how to administer Narcan and we give each person we train a box of Narcan at no cost.
Our goal is to help end the opioid crisis by educating 10,000 caregivers and parents by June of 2022. Our program is to educate people on:
P.A.I.N. wants to make as many people as possible aware that accidental fentanyl overdoses are on the rise. We will use the loan funds to meet in-person and online with local community groups, schools, and individuals to let them know just how dangerous the current opioid and fentanyl situation is.
We will train people on how to administer Narcan which is an opioid reversal agent, and give all who attend a free box of Narcan. Narcan is used by our first responders when they are called regarding an opioid overdose. Time is critical when someone has overdosed and we want to make sure that as many people as possible have a box of Narcan close by in case it is needed.
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