Urban Roots - Own the Delwau Farm

Austin Youth & Community Farm, Inc. dba Urban Roots

Urban Roots: Who We Are

Urban Roots’ mission is to use food and farming to transform the lives of young people and inspire, engage, and nourish the community. The farm is a safe place where young people can experience first-hand the transformational power of meaningful hard work in order to become healthy, productive, civically-engaged community members. Each year we provide paid internships and fellowships to 75 young people ages 14-23. They work together with more than 1,000 community volunteers to grow more than 35,000 pounds of fresh food each year.
South Austin Interns (14-17) weeding the curly kale patch.
Summer Farm Internship Program (14-17) youth practicing public speaking at a community lunch.
Food & Leadership Fellows (18-23) taking a break from harvesting fresh produce for our hunger relief partners.
Food & Leadership Fellows (18-23) taking a break from harvesting fresh produce for our hunger relief partners.

Use of Proceeds: Purchase Farm

The funds will be used to pay for half of the purchase price of the Delwau Lane farm we are currently renting. The owner is offering 4.5 acres in East Austin, in the 25-year floodplain (only good as agricultural land) for $325K.

Gorgeous block of hot peppers planted by the youth.
Urban Roots Delwau Farm
Okra planted by our community volunteers.

Investment Summary

Who can participate?

South Austin Intern preparing to share the bounty from the farm.
South Austin Intern preparing to share the bounty from the farm.

Why support this program?

While the youth are the heart of Urban Roots, this farm is its soul – the land on which it all began. For more than a decade we have lovingly tended this soil and in return it has nourished us and our community. Owning the farm will secure this meaningful connection to the land and to our community for years to come.

Urban Roots featured by CBS News & GoDaddy

A huge thanks to CBS News and GoDaddy for featuring Urban Roots in their recent article and video, entitled “An urban farm’s quest to survive and thrive.” We were thrilled to be a part of this project and are so thankful to have had the opportunity to share how we have been impacted by the COVID-19 Crisis and pivoted during these challenging times.
